Token Model
Space Protocol Token Model
Space Protocol is comprised of three types of tokens: 1) ALPs, 2) NFTs, and 3) SPACE. Each type of token plays a crucial role in acting as an accounting unit, collateral note, and indexing instrument.
ALP tokens: Every staking pool has its own unique ALP token. ALPs act as an entitlement that allows users to redeem the revenue that is contributed to a Staking Pool by the Asset Operator. As the revenue contributed to a pool grows, the number of ALPs increases proportionately within all user wallets holding that ALP.
NFTs: Every Asset Operator receives an NFT that corresponds to a revenue pool that they originate and contribute to. Each NFT allows the Asset Operator to leverage the revenues they’ve contributed to the protocol in a loan proposal that is voted on by the community.
SPACE Tokens: The SPACE token acts as an index that is backed by the ALP tokens that Liquidity Providers bond to the treasury in exchange for SPACE.
Blockchain Function
Blockchain enables the staking contracts in Space to create a permissionless, censorship-proof, and transparent record of asset ownership and transfer history.
Space Protocol Asset Tokenization
An asset deployer originates a staking pool contract where participants can provide liquidity for the respective asset of that staking pool.
Asset deployer’s contract terms are coded into a staking pool on the Space Protocol via templated drop-down options.
Liquidity providers can then browse Space’s staking pool marketplace for varying asset classes with different yield rates/terms and provide liquidity.
Once an asset is purchased by the asset deployer, the DAO’s legal rights over that asset are embedded on an NFT using Space’s asset tokenization tool.
When a participant provides liquidity to a pool, they receive ALP (asset-liquidity-pool) tokens that serve as an assurance of that liquidity provider’s position in the liquidity pool and as a royalty on the yields from that respective pool.
Yield is earned by both parties per the terms of the staking pool origination. Reputation and contract origination of every asset deployer is recorded on the blockchain and transparent to participants in the Space ecosystem.
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